WHAT: A free webinar for authors on "How to Use Email to Attract Fans, Create SuperFans & Sell More Books."
WHEN: 4 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern/1 to 2:30 Pacific, on Thursday, Feb. 25.
WHERE: In the comfort of your home or … [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
WHAT: A free webinar for authors on "How to Use Email to Attract Fans, Create SuperFans & Sell More Books."
WHEN: 4 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern/1 to 2:30 Pacific, on Thursday, Feb. 25.
WHERE: In the comfort of your home or … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If you're dying to find out what it takes to get your book reviewed by the L.A. Times, meet Carolyn Kellogg, the book editor, when she speaks to the Book Publicists of Southern California on Thursday, Feb. 11.
She's one of three speakers who will be featured during the program on "How to Romance the Media: Update." You'll also hear from … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
One of the toughest problems Publicity Hounds face is explaining succinctly their book, product or service.
Your 15-second pitch should be short enough to catch people's attention but enticing enough to make them say, "Tell me more."
It's Day 3 of the third annual [Read more...]
By Marcia Yudkin
Heartsick over negative reviews on Amazon or Yelp? I want to tell you about an experience I recently had that, for me, put the phenomenon of reviews into perspective.
To cope with an early-morning flight, my husband and I booked a room at a Days Inn near our local airport. To get to our room after an unusually … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
By Elaine Fogel
Every author needs a book page – a place for the title to call home. Yet, for many first-time authors and self-publishers, where do you start?
As a marketing and branding specialist, even I had to start from scratch when I decided to write my new book, [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
UPDATE on Dec. 18, 2015: You can listen to the webinar replay here.
Collecting as many book reviews as you can on Amazon is one of the best ways to pull traffic to your page and encourage people to buy your … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Nine out of 10 authors I work with aren't collecting email addresses at their websites, mailing regularly and selling more books as a result.
That breaks my heart. :-( Email marketing is the Number One strategy to sell more books. Period. Even for fiction authors.
It takes time. It takes patience to learn the technology. And … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Fiction authors have the toughest job when it comes to generating publicity for their books. Too often, they can't recognize all the opportunities that breaking news stories are dumping right into their laps.
Here's one. Smart authors who write fiction as well as nonfiction will pounce on it. This is known as … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
You love sniffing out deals, don't you? Here's one that will make your tail wag.
Today only, go to The Publicity Hound Store, choose any product--ebook, special report, video--and use the coupon code TREAT at checkout to slash the price in half.
Call it what you … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Since Beth Hayden started teaching me about Pinterest several years ago, she and I have brainstormed of all sorts of ways an author can use the social media site for sharing dazzling images.
Beth says one of the easiest ideas is for … [Read more...]
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