Put your 2007 publicity campaign on steroids with my special holiday gift to you---"The Best of The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week of 2006" ebook. I reviewed all 52 of my newsletters from last year, hand-picked the top two dozen items that generated the biggest response from readers and included them in this ebook. It will help remind you of … [Read more...]
Tag, I’m it–5 things you didn’t know about me
I've been tagged by blogger Denise Wakeman, half of The Blog Squad, in a fun Internet game of tag designed to introduce bloggers to each other and bring more traffic to our blogs. Everyone who's tagged is asked to share five things about themselves that people don't know, then tag five … [Read more...]
BoomerWomenBlog.com needs promo ideas
Lois Carter Fay of Massanutten, Virginia writes: "I just started a new blog, BoomerWomenBlog.com, that combines marketing ideas with Boomer Women. It's also set up to maintain contact with a women's group, Women's Forum, that I run in my local community. What's the best way to publicize my new blog and to generate heaps of traffic?" … [Read more...]
Balloon artist sculpts Borat
When I wrote my latest special report titled "How to Piggyback onto Celebrity News to Promote Your Product, Service, Cause or Issue," I gave lots of examples of smart Publicity Hounds who have done just that. Here's another. When Russian-born balloon artist Irina Patterson of Miami, … [Read more...]
Blogitive: A sleazy way to get free publicity
The make-money-at-home crowd is going ga-ga over a service called Blogitive that pays bloggers to blog about certain companies.
Blogitive gives pre-approved bloggers a list of press releases, then pays the blogger $5 for every company the blogger mentions. The companies on the list, of course, pay Blogitive. So it looks like everybody … [Read more...]
Scobleizer gives blogging tips for PR pros
Bulldog Reporter has an excellent interview with Robert Scoble whose popular Scobleizer technology blog ranks 34 on Technorati’s list of top blogs, with over 19,458 links. (Scroll about one-third down the page to the headline "Blog or … [Read more...]
Blog traffic can be yours if you use these 56 tips from Seth Godin
Seth Godin's excellent list of "How to Get Traffic for Your Blog" includes lots of things I was taught to do when I worked as a newspaper reporter: Use lists Break news Include polls, meters and other eye candy. Point to useful but little-known … [Read more...]
Los Angeles, Boston Police Departments are blogging
Lots of police departments I've worked with as a reporter usually rate a D or F when it comes to public relations. But give the Los Angeles Police Department an A for effort for its new blog. It includes run-of-the mill stuff like internal promotions. But you'll also find lots of newsy … [Read more...]
Technorati/Associated Press service a great deal for bloggers, newspaper readers
Many traditional newspaper readers who don't know anything about blogs will be exposed to them, and bloggers who comment on breaking news stories can now get more exposure as a result of the [Read more...]
Good Housekeeping articles editor blogs
Jennifer Braunschweiger, the articles editor at Good Housekeeping magazine, blogs about her life as a first-time mom at the GH Mom Blog. A tip for Hounds who want to pitch Good Housekeeping: Read her blog, then mention it … [Read more...]