If you sell a product or service related to Halloween, or you’re promoting a cause or issue that ties in, start pitching your story ideas now.
Halloween-related stories and magazine covers started showing up as early as Labor Day this year, as the popularity of the holiday seems to grow each year. Halloween is the second largest retail holiday, behind Christmas.
This article in Bulldog’s Daily Dog newsletter explains more about why retailers are wasting no time filling shelves with anything Halloween, from costumes to candy.
If you pitch now, you’re far too late for national magazines, many of which have a six-month lead time. But you still have plenty of time to generate publicity in your local media, at blogs, and at social networking sites. See Special Report #14: How to Piggyback Your Story Ideas onto Holidays and Anniversaries
Ok, I will start my pitch here
I have these Halloween Tees designed myself. http://www.littlementees.com/halloween-2007/, whoever in the mood for Halloween should be interested in these too !
Happy Halloween
If you are looking for some information on adult Halloween costumes then you should go read my blog. I also have some safety tips for you to enjoy Halloween safely. adult Halloween Costumes
Some people are questioning whether this year will be different given the “financial crisis”, personally I dont think it will change at all. You can get some cheap (yet high quality) Plus Size Sexy Nurse Costumes if you hunt around. Its amazing how far $30 can go these days!
Have fun this Halloween!
Good point to the article! Halloween is a $7 Billion industry. There are many people who will spend a good amount of money on Halloween pet costumes. If they spend money on this, they are certainly spending money on other items.
And it really is time to start marketing. The prime sales period is between the middle of September to the middle of October.
Thanks for all the great content here!
Indeed the shelves are starting to fill up with Halloween themed merchandise as we speak. Personally Halloween and the parties associated with it are my favorite times of the year.Those of us more “curvy” or with a larger frame need not worry about what to wear this year because there’s definitely and abundance of plus size costume ideas available online.
Happy Halloween!
It’s amazing how much Halloween has grown and the size of the industry that it has created. Haunted attractions are popping up everywhere, and the Halloween Costumes that are being sold and designed this year are amazing.
I quite agree with you as this is a seasonal product then marketing it needs to be done 2-3 months before to build the publicity. The shops have all started changing their decor to suit the holidays so that it is in everyone’s mind that Halloween is round the corner!
I always thought a couple of months were enough time for seasonal niches, but recently found the SEO can be done rather quickly if you use keywords as your URL, same phrase in Meta description and Title. First page of Google is much easier. But there is a fine line for overkill.
I do think that this Halloween you will see people celebrate as they always have. Its amazing how much costume $30.00 will buy.
My wife and I and our dog (JD) all dress up every year and hand out candy at the door in costumes. This year we will be Pirate three-somes.
The choice of costumes available is mind blowing but when you want to dress up on Halloween as a couple it takes a bit more thought. Even so there are hundreds of costume ideas around and you won’t stuck for choice, from the traditional ‘spooky’ themes to the ‘funny’. Halloween is a fantastic holiday so have a good time what ever your costume turns out to be!
I too have noticed more searchers are looking for couples costume ideas, but also more sites seem to have a couples page. I am going that root and suggesting every family member this Halloween be a vampire!
Still 40 odd days to go until Halloween and we are already seeing candy in the shops for Christmas! I don’t suppose the Trick or Treaters will care how the candy is wrapped as it will be quickly eaten.
With the financial situation this year there is still time to pick up a bargain costume, or why not get up a few ideas from the stores and then have a go making your own.
It’s amazing how this holiday is only one behind Christmas. You would think that the 4th of July or Easter would be larger. I guess it’s because so many kids are involved
Halloween is almost here, 10 days until trick or treat. I hope see a lot of good costumes this year at the door. I have seen more fortune teller costumes purchased this year than ever before. Do you suppose they may be trying make an extra buck in this economy predicting the future.
I can’t believe its only a few months until Halloween. According to my children Harry Potter is still a hot costume along with the Toy Story characters.