This month's guest blog post was written byJames Nissen. Last week, I shared James' pitch and wrote about How a guest blogger pitched me and made me say 'yes'
* * … [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
This month's guest blog post was written byJames Nissen. Last week, I shared James' pitch and wrote about How a guest blogger pitched me and made me say 'yes'
* * … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
By Joan Stewart
The Publicity Hound
If you work for a company, and the boss won't let you participate in social media on company time "because it's just a fad," here's a powerful video that will prove the boss wrong.
Or maybe YOU'RE the one who needs convincing. If you own a business and you already wear a dozen different … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Is that smart-aleck friend of yours constantly berating you for tweeting and blogging, chiding you for wasting your time, and claiming that it's just a fad?
What about that "you-can't-change-my-mind" boss who refuses to let the company have a blog "because we want to control what people say about us"?
Ask for just five minutes of … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
By Joan Stewart
There's no better ingredient than controversy to draw attention to your blog, and encourage your social media followers to join the conversation.
Here are two good examples of controversial topics that are doing just that.
Yesterday, my partner, Jeanne Hurlbert, posted here about Leveraging Social Media: … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Anne Graham of Vancover, British Columbia writes:
"I've developed a great toolkit for business leaders with 33 specific techniques they can use to lead their firms out of the recession. It's called "Recession Proof and Recovery Ready: The 91 Day Business Tune-up Toolkit."
It's a 314-page physical product, stuffed full of every … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Here's a tweet posted yesterday from the Twitter account known as @BPGlobalPR:
That's just one of a steady stream of sarcastic tweets that, as of this … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If you're pitching a blogger with an idea for a guest blog post, take a cue from James Nissen.
James pitched me last night regarding a guest blog post about how he built the buzz for, a free golf website hosted by PGA … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If you've always dreamed of having your own TV show because you just KNOW it would be a lot better than all the other junk on the tube, this is your chance.
Oprah Winfrey and her new network, OWN … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Freelance writer Angie Gambino, one of myLinkedIn connections, invited me to respond to her question on how freelancers can use Twitter.
I came up with several ideas and added more to the list:
Follow … [Read more...]by Joan Stewart
I've been publishing a free weekly newsletter for almost 10 years, and accepting paid ads never appealed to me.
I hated reading them in text-based newsletters but never minded them at all in HTML newsletters where they aren't … [Read more...]
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