Worst mistake Internet marketers, Publicity Hounds make

I cheered when I read Rosalind Gardner’s excellent article on “The Worst Mistake Internet Marketers Make.”

It’s the also the worst mistake Publicity Hounds make: Failing to capture people’s email addresses at their websites.

Yesterday and today, I drove home this point during the first two days of Publicity Hound University. What good is a story about your company on the front page of USA Today if all the resulting traffic comes to your website, then leaves, without you ever knowing who was there?

Building a list and mailing an ezine like I do each week gives you a chance to keep emailing valauble information that lets people know, like and trust you—and eventually buy from you. I love the Hover Ad Generator, the HTML coding that creates the box that bounces down from the top of the screen at my website and asks people for their email address.     

If you’re not capturing email addresses, what are you waiting for?

Building Traffic
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