Wall Street Journal pitching tip: Show your warts

An article in the October 2007 issue of PR Tactics includes a great tip for pitching the Wall Street Journal and any other business publication.

It’s courtesy of Gene Coulter, editorial director at Peppercom in New York and former news editor of the Money Investing section of the Journal.

“You need to learn how to think like a Journal reporter and editor and help them explain the world. If you want that big home run in a publication like the Journal, you need to let reporters look behind the curtains a little bit. A lot of companies are afraid of showing their problems or perceived problems to journalists. I would counsel that if you talked openly about a problem your company had and then showed the solution, you have a positive story. Sometimes you have to show your warts in public.”

In my ebook “How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound,” I discuss the importance of being willing to talk about your problems. That’s what could differentiate you from your competitors who are also pitching. A willingness to discuss solutions you’ve found makes you look helpful to other readers, not just one of a thousand voices begging for a story.

What problems have you encountered with employee recuitment and retention? Or cash flow? Or collecting from deadbeat clients? Or marketing your business?

Pinpoint a problem, offer solutions, and that story could be yours.

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