Wal-Mart purges 1,000+ magazine titles from its racks

More bad news for the publishing industry and for Publicity Hounds who are targeting primarily traditional media.

Wal-Mart is purging its racks of more than 1,000 magazine titles. The big loser? Meredith Publications, whose Better Homes & Gardens is out. So is the sister magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal. 

See which other magazines stay and which ones go in this article from the New York Post. A top of the hat to Poynter Online’s Emedia Tidbits for this one.

So what does this mean to your publicity efforts? Make sure you know other places—including traditional media and social media sites—where your target audience is gathering and paying attention. In my recent teleseminar series “How to Create a Media Plan,” I advised students to create a Top 25 media hit list—from newspapers and magazines their target audience reads to social networking sites where they are joining in the conversation.  

Know what they’re talking about and what they care about. 

Brick & Mortar
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