Targeting teens? Use MySpace and Facebook equally


If you’re targeting teens with a message about your product, service, cause or issue, it’s a mistake to use only MySpace or only Facebook.

MediaWeek says that according to a new report issued by Nielsen/NetRatings, U.S. Web users ages 12-17 who regularly visit both MySpace and Facebook spend more time on these sites than users who visit just one site or the other. In August, those dual Facebook/MySpace users spent 26 percent more time on Facebook—or 93 minutes per month—than did the average Facebook-only users, who averaged just 74 minutes.

Thanks to The Book Marketing Expert Newsletter by Penny Sansevieri for tipping is off to this one.

Target Market
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  • Shama Hyder

    One note of caution to your readers Joan-facebook can be addictive. : )