Philadelphia is really turning up the heat for its annual Fiesta on the Parkway, part of the Sunoco Welcome America! Independence Day festivities on July 3.
They will assemble thousands of salsa dancers on the parkway and try to break their current record for the number of dancers performing the salsa at once–4,250. Check out this video of last year’s salsa dancing festivities.
More than 400 local dance studios will offer free classes, both in person and via the Internet, to participants in advance of the choreographed dance event.
Events like this, which have lots of people, color and motion, attract the TV cameras, not only the print media.
And what if the TV statins don’t cover your event? Record a video yourself, call your local TV station and offer it.
“How to Plan & Promote Sizzling Special Events” includes many more tips for event planners and publicists.