See a 60 percent sales boost with no new customers

cowSince joining StomperNet, the world’s largest membership site for Internet marketers, one of the most important things I’ve learned is to stop spending so much time chasing after new customers.

That might seem counter-intuitive. But it’s true for me and it’s true for you, too.

Many of us already have a group of loyal, responsive customers who are eager to see other products and services we have available. Who are these people?

Meeting planners who have hired us. Audience members who have paid to come to our presentations. Consulting clients. Newsletter readers. People who have bought our products. And readers who have read our books.

But sometimes we drop the ball by chasing after new cows to milk instead of attending to those already in the barn.   

There’s a new video from StomperNet.  In “MBA in a Box,” you’ll see how you can increase sales by 60 percent without getting a single new customer. Here’s what to do.

1. Watch the video.

2. Use the 3 simple action steps.

3. Increase your sales revenue by 60 percent and your profits by 36 percent. 

It’s not just possible. It’s likely. Full details in the video here.

By the way, when you try these techniques and you see that they actually work, pitch the story to your local business journal. These business newspapers love sharing tips like these with their readers. 

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Comments (5)
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  • Mark

    Very cool. I love the guys at Stompernet. i was on the edge about getting the MBA in the box. Great article I will move on this. Thank you

  • Loose

    I have been thinking about joining, I have heard a lot of good things about them thanks for the article

  • baby shower wording

    How powerful is Stompernet? I haven’t try that stuff but after reading lots of good advice, I think I should try it. Thanks for it.

    • Joan Stewart

      Stompernet is the world’s largest membership site for Internet marketers. I’ve been a member for about 2 years and I couldn’t do what I do without their advice.

      That includes a voluminous library of how-to videos on every aspect of Internet marketing, discussion forums, daily “office hours” with faculty members where you can call in and ask any questions, my own coach to keep me on track, and even a Stompernet Mastermind Group.

      To get a taste of what they offer, check out their 7-day email course on search engine optimization called “7 deadly SEO mistakes” at