Serious Publicity Hound recycle their publicity

Did you get mentioned in a newspaper or magazine article
recently? Savvy Publicity Hounds are always looking for ways
to turn one hit into multiple hits. Here’s how:

–Make reprints of the article and include them in your
media kit.

–Post articles by and about you at your web site.

–Send an e-mail to business associates with a link to the
article posted at your site.

–Every time someone at your organization gives a speech,
send a news release about the upcoming presentation to your
local newspapers and invite the media.

–If you do public speaking, offer to write a short article
summarizing the speech for the group’s newsletter. Give them
your photo, too.

–If you appear as a guest on a radio talk show, mention
other publications where you have been featured.

–Climb the “media ladder.” Send reprints of articles by and
about you in weekly newspapers to editors of dailies. Send
reprints from dailies to national publications. Send
articles in trade publications to editors anywhere.

At least 40 more tips on how to recycle your publicity are
in “Special Report #13: How to Recycle Your Publicity (for
Serious Publicity Hounds Only)

Writing Articles