Public Radio International producer shares pitching tips

Thinking of pitching public radio with your story?

If so, first read these pitching tips from Charles Munroe-Kane, courtesy of Bulldog Reporter. Munroe-Kane produces “To The Best of Our Knowledge” and “Zorba Paster on Your Health” for Public Radio International and says he isn’t interested in breaking news events but, rather, a “cultural” look at the news.

I particularly love his tip about pitching stories that translate well to radio. For example:

“The William Christenberry [photography] show at the Smithsonian illustrates this pretty well. Normally, that wouldn’t be a good fit. But the PR people for the show understood that and said right up front that even though he’s a photographer, he could also tell great stories. They addressed that in the beginning of the email pitch. That caught my attention.”

Lissa Warren, a book publicist who was my guest during a teleseminar called “How to Get Booked on National Public Radio,” says one of the best ways to research NPR shows is to go right to the website. You can search shows by topic and, many times, listen to past shows from the archives.

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