Presidential candidates need advice from all you experts

Attention Rudy Giuliani: Remember when you dressed in drag for those comedy routines?

Your enemy bloggers love those photos, like the one at left, showing you dressed up as a platinum blonde startlet. And they could derail your run for the presidency. 

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: When you’re on the presidential campaign trail, that suit jacket that looks like it’s always buttoned too tight doesn’t do you any favors.

John Edwards: Ditch the sport watch when wearing a suit. It makes you look like a little kid playing dress-up.

Senator Clinton: Your clothing, made of that stiff-looking fabric, turns you into a stiff-looking politician. So soften up a little.

That’s what the image consultants and stylists had to say in a Wall Street Journal article, in Saturday’s paper, about how candidates look on the campaign trail. 

It made me remember that there are numerous opportunities in the months leading up to the election to add your own comments about the candidates. Here are some ideas to get you started:

—Speech coaches should offer to critique the candidates during televised town hall meetings and debates. Call your local TV stations, particularly the ones airing the debates. You could find yourself on that night’s news.

—Image consultants, how about talking about the candidates’ posture? And how they come across when speaking to a live audience?

—Etiquette experts, discuss the vicious attacks the candidates are directing toward each other. Does etiquette have its place during a political campaign? Can you point to any examples of polite candidates who have won without slinging mud?  

—Hair stylists and make-up artists, offer your advice for all the candidates, not just Hillary.

—Authors who have books that can tie into the presidential campaign can offer their expert commentary.

—Life and success coaches, what are the candidates doing or not doing that will result in victory or defeat?

Offer your opinions to bloggers. (See “How to Pitch the Best Bloggers & Create a Publicity Explosion.“) 

And make sure it’s easy for reporters and journalists to find you. One of the best ways is to make sure you’re included in Expertclick, the Online Yearbook of Experts.

Tomorrow is the last day to write your own profile. Tell them The Publicity Hound sent you and you get $200 off the subscription.      



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