Photos on CD help TV reporters illustrate your story

Publicity Hound Brad Wilson of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, passes along a handy tip on how to make TV reporters love you.

Give them a CD of photos they can flash on the screen during news or feature stories, even if they already have the film footage they need.

Nineteen-year-old Brad recently returned from a 2,650-mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail which runs from Mexico to Canada. When the local ABC affiliate interviewed him, he offered the crew a CD of 25 photos that had been taken during the hike. The reporter thanked him profusely and said that if they use photos directly off a CD, they don’t have to shoot film footage of the hard copies. So the photos appear cleaner and crisper and it makes the entire editing process easier.

“I scanned the photos myself and now that I’m getting better with Photoshop, I had more control over the photos,” Brad said.

Media RelationsPhotos & Graphics