Oprah’s audience might not be right for you

Not a week goes by that somebody, someplace, doesn’t ask me “How do I get onto ‘Oprah’?”

The question comes from some of the most unlikely candidates. They’re people with dry business topics that would lull Oprah’s viewers to sleep. Or they’ve written a boring book that just wouldn’t appeal to the demographics of her audience.

Specifically, the show targets stay-at-home or working moms with incomes of less than $20,000 a year. So if your topic isn’t a good match, don’t even bother pitching it. Attracting the attention of “Oprah” producers is one of the most difficult publicity hurdles to clear because the competition is so fierce. Your time would be better spent elsewhere.

But if your idea is a good fit and you can pitch an entire show around your topic, not just you, you could find yourself on the next plane to Chicago. Oprah’s four hot-button topics are taking responsibility for your own existence, making good personal choices, child and domestic abuse, and education.

Media coach Susan Harrow, the foremost expert on the kind of guests Orpah is looking for, says another way to get onto the show is to check out Oprah’s website, for a list of upcoming shows and types of guests that producers are seeking.

Susan was my guest on a telephone seminar packed with tips on “How to Get Booked on Oprah.” Learn more about what we discussed on the recording, including what to expect if they fly you to Chicago, and the one thing you must NEVER do that will make Oprah and her producers angry.

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