Oprah crisis: Topic of my first blog for Huffington Post

“What CEOs Can Learn from Oprah’s Sex Abuse Scandal” is my first contribution as a blogger for the Huffington Post. They posted it it under both Business and Entertainment.

I elaborated on an item I wrote here, giving Oprah high marks for managing the sex abuse scandal at her $40 million academy for girls in South Africa so thoroughly that she left no room for criticism.

It’s been more than two since she broke the news, and I can’t remember the last time I heard or read about it. That’s what happens when you face a crisis head-on, take full resonsibility, clean up the mess, and apologize. 

Agree? Disagree? If you had been in her shoes, what else would you have done? Hop on over to the Huffington Post and let me know what you think. Before you can comment, you have to log in here or sign up for an account.

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