Is your website ready to welcome journalists?

Right now, as you’re reading this, a journalist could be nosing around at your website, looking for clues that will help determine whether you’re worth covering.

Will the reporter find typos galore, outdated news releases or incomplete contact information? PR pro Carolyn Moncel said there’s a checklist of items you should have at your website–things the media will be looking for. Those include news releases in descending order, so that they see the freshest information first.

You should also design your newsroom with the international press in mind. That means spelling out dates in your releases, such as January 10, 2004, instead of 01-10-2004, so that they adhere to international date formats. For many reporters around the world, the example could be interpreted as October 1, 2004.

Carolyn lists many other things to consider in her article titled “What an Online Newsroom Says About Your Company. It’s the lead item in the November/December 2005 issue of The Publicity Hound subscription newsletter. You can order it here..

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