New Age, self-improvement, mind-body-soul radio show database

If you’re an expert in any one of these four areas, you may have had a difficult time getting booked on radio shows:


–New Age



Reiki, energy healing, aroma therapy, feng shui, using essential oils for healing and pampring, mysticism, channeling, chanting, horoscopes, numerology, palmistry  and other topics are often viewed by talk show hosts and producers as too “out there.”

Mind-body-spirit sounds too much like it’s tied to religion.

And self-improvement brings to mind visions of snake-oil salesmen.

So lots of experts who can speak on those topics and are perfect for niche audiences had to pretty much scratch radio shows off their targeted media hit list.

Until now.

Satellite radio and Internet radio shows are exploding. That means there’s a whole new group of talk show hosts and producers. They reach a targeted market that many other traditional shows don’t bother with.

They’re looking for guests in self-improvement, mind-body-spirit, inspirational and New Age topics.  Because they have such loyal and dedicated listeners, it’s likely that if you fit their category, you may get a bigger response from these shows than you might from a big mainstream general interest show with 100,000+ listeners.

Here’s the best part.  Because many of them host Internet radio shows, they archive the shows, and visitors can download the shows and listen months or even years after they were recorded.

Alex Carroll, who has been a guest on more than 1,200 radio shows and sold a quarter of a million books in the process, has created a new database of radio shows that welcome guests in those categories.  Get all the details here.


Pitch Media
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