Mossberg says MSN has best blogging software

On Page D4 of today’s wall Street Journal, tech guru Walter Mossberg chooses Microsoft’s new MSN Spaces service as the most user-friendly of three blog-creation services.

He also compared Google-owned and well as Yahoo’s Yahoo 360 service.

The decision was made based on how each service handled four basic tasks: publishing text entries or posting, adding photos, publishing links to other web pages on the blogs, and providing privacy online.

“Our verdict: Microsoft’s MSN Spaces did the best job of performing these tasks in a way that was organized and self-explantory,” the article stated.

Anyone can have a blog up and running in a few hours. It’s a great way to extend your publicity reach because search engines love blogs and give them good ranking.

One of the best books on how to profit from blogging is Don Crowther’s “Blogging for Business.”
