Make Your LinkedIn Headline Longer Using the LinkedIn App

Your LinkedIn headline is the most important place to dazzle people with your expertise, explain your target market and let viewers know how you can help them. Sometimes that’s difficult to do in only 140 characters.

Not anymore!

Linkedin now lets you expand that headline by 100 characters—that’s 240 characters total—but only if you write it using LinkedIn’s mobile app. I hope they give us the convenience of writing a longer headline on our desktops. 

Here’s my headline. I’ve highlighted the additional characters in yellow. 

How to Edit using the App

Follow these step-by-step instructions.

  1. Download the LinkedIn app from the App Store.
  2. Log in.
  3. Click your photo at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  4. On the right side of the screen, click on the pencil.
  5. Copy what’s there and delete it and rewrite the headline.
  6. Click Save and double-check it on your mobile and desktop devices.

If you want to go back later and edit the longer version, you must edit it on the LinkedIn app. 

A big thanks to Publicity Hound Debbie Wemyss of DW Consulting Solutions LLC for this tip.

LinkedInPromote ExpertiseSocial Media ToolsTarget Market
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