Liberal media on the rise—Here’s how to pitch

The March 13 issue of PR Week reports that liberal media seem to have a heightened profile, mostly because of the opposition to the war in Iraq.

Progressive magazines, blogs, radio and TV programs are reporting bigger audiences. That means it’s a great time for Publicity Hounds to pitch.

PR Week offers these tips:

  • “Many progressive outlets don’t have large staffs and rely primarily on freelancers, so look to pitch writers rather than just the outlets.
  • “Liberal outlets often want a lot of perspective and analysis, so position clients as experts and be sure to highlight issues surrounding online hard news stories.
  • “Don’t be too ideological: with an articulate—and thick-skinned client—even outlets with conservative hosts, like Fox News, can be a place to argue for a liberal cause or promote a progressive book.  

Progressive media include The Nation, blogs such as and AlterNet, Democray Now (the flagship of Pacifica Radio), and TV shows like The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

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