Donate a second home for the homeless

Publicity Hound Jerice asked me to help spread the word about a campaign under way to help find housing for the homeless in New Orleans, Mississippi and Alabama.

Here’s what she’s asking:

Please donate the use of your camp, vacation home, empty apartment or second home for this emergency response to Hurricane Katrina.

If you are selling a house, and no one is living there, you could be a Hurricane Hero and provide housing. Location is not important.

This is a calamitous time in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Hundreds of thousands have become instantly homeless. Please consider providing any vacant properties—homes, preferably—for the use of some needy family.
We are working with FEMA, Red Cross, Dept. of Homeland Security, and all necessary agencies to speed things along.

Call us immediately.

People are homeless NOW
You know that it is the right thing to do.


Push Open Doors is a 100% volunteer operated 501c3 nonprofit for the benefit of the Homeless – we love to help.

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