L.A. Times op-ed

If you’re a woman, and you’ve been targeting the Los Angeles Times for an op-ed piece and have had no luck, this could be an ideal time to try again.

 Syndicated columnist Susan Estrich says the Times is guilty of blatant discrimination for not running more opinion pieces by women.

In a Valentine’s Day email sent to 50 prominent California women, Estrich said the newspaper’s record is worse than dismal.

“I have been trying, quietly, to force the editors there to address it– but things have gone from bad to worse under the leadership of the new opinion editor, Michael Kinsley, who replaced an African-American woman, and now has three men in the top jobs, and 90% men writing for his section,” wrote Estrich, a University of Southern California professor of law and political science whose newspaper column is distributed by Creators Syndicate of Los Angeles.

The e-mail was condensed and published last week in the Washington Examiner.  But before you submit anything, know all your options.

How to Use Newspaper & Magazine Editorial Pages” is a recording of a teleseminar I conducted in which I walk you step-by-step through every opportunity on those pages. I also discuss how to catch the attention of the powerful newspaper editorial board, the group of editors that decides what editorial position the newspaper will take.


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