Know journalists who Twitter? Add them to this wiki

Everybody, it seems, is Twittering these days. And for good reason. 

You can follow your friends who are Twittering, use Twitter numerous ways in your business (more about this in a minute), and even search for other Twitterers using specific keywords.   

Last week, Publicity Hound Harry Hoover announced that he started compiling a list of Twittering journalists and media outlets that Twitter.  They include reporters at Business Week, CNET, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, FOX News and the London Times.

And why would journalists Twitter? To keep up on the competition, of course.

Yesterday, he announced he has turned the list into a wiki for the benefit of PR people and other Publicity Hounds, and he’s asking anyone who knows of other journalists or media outlets to add to it.   

harry Hoover

The list initially was compiled at our blog, THINKing, from information provided by Red66, CNET, Poynter, as well as Twitter keyword searches on terms such as “journalist” and “reporter”.

Notice how Harry used the search function within Twitter to build his list. If you’re already Twittering, plug in a few keywords or keyword phrases to see who you can find who’s Twittering about your topic. They might be worth following.  And perhaps even emailing if you have the solution to a problem they’ve mentioned in one of their posts.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be putting the finishing touches on my new special report on how to use Twitter for business.  

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  • allen

    there’s no way to edit that wiki – he has it locked! here’s mine in any case:
    allen stern – @centernetworks

  • Leigh Ann

    Thanks so much for this blog entry. It’s prompted me to try Twitter out–at least follow some people for a while and see what they’re doing with it. I’m a journalist myself and am intrigued to see what other journos are doing.