Image consultant gives Obama advice on clothing choices

Here’s a great example of what I discussed in yesterday’s newsletter about how Publicity Hounds can piggyback off the Democratic and Republican national conventions and the campaign.

Image consultant Sandy Dumont, The Image Architect, tells Barack Obama that a dark suit worn with a dark shirt and tie makes him look “forbidding, even shady, because of the shadows they reflect on his face.” I agree.

I thought Hillary Clinton looked smashing last night in that burnt orange pantsuit, which contrasted nicely with the blue backdrop and really made her stand out.

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    I agree with the dark suit on Obama. Hilary looked great, but her speech was even greater and it made the her suit standout ever more. It was the best she has done.

  • Jonathan Bernstein

    As someone who advises clients on dress as part of media training, I am, frankly, astonished by his color choices. He usually does FAR better and I’m wondering if he didn’t let his usual talented staff or family members “dress him.”

    Jonathan Bernstein
    Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc.

  • Janet Huey

    Hillary was savvy enough to test colors beforehand; that orange pantsuit was the winner and looked great. It wouldn’t have looked so good on most people. She was also smart to refer to pantsuits in her speech, showed a human side of her.
    I think who Barack listens to changes on a regular
    Kudos to Sandy Dumont for geting her expertise out there.

  • Joan

    Here’s a beautiful example of how an image consultant gets publicity for “making over” John McCain:

  • B.L Ochman

    Hillary looked like a creamsicle in that ridiculous orange pantsuit! and not much better in the pale blue one the next night.