When I surveyed readers of my ezine two weeks ago, 84 people responded, and many asked me to explain what a virtual assistant is and how to find one.
I’ll explain that, and more, during an hour-long teleseminar “How to Find a Virtual Assistant to Help with Your Publicity Campaign” at 1 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, May 17.
A virtual assistant is a temporary worker who works for businesses over the Internet, performing all work remotely, usually for a certain number of hours each week.
The assistant can live thousands of miles away from the client. V.A.s are independent contractors who usually bill by the hour. That means clients don’t have to worry about things like paying Social Security taxes or benefits.
My virtual assistant, who has been working with me for about a year, is a big help. She completes administrative chores so I can concentrate on more important projects.
Why not hire a V.A. to help you? Join us on May 17. Registration is $39.95 which includes a recording of the call on CD that we’ll mail to you about 10 days later. This teleseminar is perfect for authors, speakers, coaches, experts, PR professionals, publicists or business owners who don’t want to have to do all of their own publicity, or anyone who wants to hire a virtual assistant for other tasks.
My guests will be Cindy Greenway, who has been working as a virtual assistant for several years, and Diana Ennen, a virtual assistant who specializes in publicity. They will offer tips on where to find V.A.s, how to work with them, and questions to ask when you interview candidates.
After you’ve hired your V.A., or found a part-time assistant, join me for a one-week intensive training program in early June, via telephone conference calls. This will be just like sending your V.A., part-time or full-time assistant, or summer intern to publicity school. I will teach them how to handle all the publicity grunt work—from researching media outlets to tracking down the most influential bloggers. They’ll even learn how to help you maintain your online media room.
Several guest experts will be joining me for the calls. If you’re a V.A. who completes the training, you’ll have an entirely new skill set that will probably allow you to raise your fees. I’ll share all the details with you in the next week or two.
Register for the May 17 call on how to find a V.A. here.
Hi, Joan,
If I can make a small clarification. Virtual Assistants are not temporary workers–those are telecommuters.
Virtual Assistance is an actual profession. The people who make up the profession–Virtual Assistants–specialize in adminstrative expertise and support and work with clients in ongoing, collaborative relationship.
For anyone who would like more information about Virtual Assistants, I invite them visit the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce at http://www.virtualassistantnetworking.com.
Hi Danielle:
Thanks! During the telecass we will go over in detail what a virtual assistant (VA) is, how to find a VA, how to best work with a VA, and so much more. We were honored to have Joan ask us to be a part of this teleclass. I think it will be beneficial for not only VAs getting started, but seasoned VAs, and those clients looking to hire a VA and find out more about how we can partner together and add to their success. I’m very excited about it. Thanks — Diana Ennen
I wish I would have made this call!
Will you be having another call such as this?
No, Frances, I’m not planning another call like this one.
However, you’re in luck. We recorded it. And it’s available as a CD or an electronic transcript. Learn more at http://tinyurl.com/2e5875
Great tips on hiring and training virtual assistants, Joan. I’d like to offer a link to my Virtual Assistant jobs website too for your readers.