How to create an effective strategy on LinkedIn

By Joan Stewart

If you’ve just started networking on LinkedIn, the site can be a little intimidating.

And you might be stumped about how to create an effective strategy on a site that’s so big.

The best place to start is with LinkedIn’s three-step New User Starter Guide. It gives a quick summary, with links, to the three most important things to do at that site:

  1. Create a Profile that truly represents you. Don’t forget those all-important keywords so that people who are searching for specific types of employees or expertise can find you!
  2. Ensure that your connections represent your “real-world” network.
  3. Leverage the power of your LinkedIn network by asking questions. We wish that LinkedIn would also have suggested that users get into the habit of answering questions that tie into their expertise. This is a great way to really flaunt your knowledge. And at times, I’ve found it can be more valuable than a paid ad.

 Once you’ve got those down pat, you can concentrate on connecting with the right people by either asking your connections to introduce them to their connections, or by joining groups.

Or, you might want to become an expert in a particular niche. Do that by asking compelling questions that get a conversation going, or answer questions. 

Perhaps you want to build your credibility. One of the best ways to do that is by asking for recommendations.

We advise that you pay attention to people who compliment you. Instead of just saying “thanks,” say, “Thanks so much. I’d be honored if you’d say that by writing a recommendation on my LinkedIn profile.” And the give them the link where they cna find you. You’d be surprised how many recommendations you’ll rack up.

Social Media Productivity
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