How are you generating publicity from the primaries?

Hillary Clinton How are Publicity Hounds generating publicity by piggybacking onto the presidential primaries?

Bloggers, how are you tying into the campaign to pull traffic to your blog?

Speech coaches, are you critiquing the candidate debates?

Leadership experts, are you commenting on Barack Obama’s appeal? Did Hillary Clinton lose or gain points when she almost cried this week?

Authors, are you tying the election to a topic in your book?

Publicists, how are you advising your clients to use the elections?

Let’s hear what you’re doing, and be sure to tell us the results of your efforts

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  • Lisa Solomon

    Since the name of my business is Political Party Pets, the primaries are a natural tie-in. In fact, at my site,, pets can vote in the Pets’ Choice Presidential Primary.

    Thanks to your suggestion, later in the primary season (once more votes have been tallied) I plan on putting out a press release announcing the results for each party.

  • Kirk Reeves

    There are two things I am learning from the campaign. The first thing is how being a good public speaker helps you create sales (In this point, votes and fund-raising) The second thing I am learning is how a strong first impression can overcome obsolotes. Two candidates on the republician side wre written off as minor tier candidates and having no chance to win. So they were given a lot less time then the other candidates. However, they certainly made the best of that time by giving a really good first impression. Their first impression was such that after Iowa and New hamphire polls now show they in number two and three position.

    As for what I am doing to piggy-back onto the election, I have a local TV show. I am going to invite at least one of the candidates to my show. If he accepts, I will get tons of publicity and igt might make my show national. Never mind about appearing on Oprah. One day my show will make me as famous as she is.


    I haven’t piggybacked on the political buzz–yet. But I did piggyback on the writer’s strike and got an article accepted and also got accepted as one of their expert author’s over at I have been reading your tips for a while and love to read your blog.