Contact info for L.A. radio stations

If you want to get booked as a guest on a Los Angeles radio station, check out, a subscription site that gives you access to news about L.A. radio stations, behind-the-scenes bulletins and breaking news, night-before headlines delivered to your email box, more than eight years of archived columns, more than 1,000 email addresses of Los Angeles radio people, and radio-related articles delivered via email.

The site is maintained by publisher Don Barrett.

But don’t stop there! You must know more than two dozens things to do before, during and after your radio interview to sell lots of products and services, and draw people to your website. Alex Carroll, a veteran of more than 2,000 radio interviews, shows you the step-by-step method he devised on how to get booked on the shows that really count. “Get Booked on Radio Shows in the Top 20 Markets” is a template for getting booked on any show.

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