Big magazines want your briefs

Aching to get into a major magazine like Time, Cosmopolitan or AARP?

The easiest way is to start writing short items, or briefs, on timely, controversial or fun topics, then submit them to magazines on your media list.

When editors are creating a particular issue of the magazine and place a story onto a page, they sometimes end up with a hole on the page because the story isn’t long enough.

So they turn to their file of briefs that can be used as filler. An editor who finds a compelling brief that ties into the topic of the larger article might use it.

Or, an editor might want content on a certain topic but doesn’t have the space for a long article. That’s when a brief on the same topic comes in handy.

Briefs can include frequently asked questions and answers, a list of definitions on a certain topic, a list of trends, “9 tips on how to….” or even a little quiz (my favorite!).

As I explained during the teleseminar I conducted called “Briefs, Filles & Quizzes: How to Write Them & Why Editors Love Them,” you can submit briefs simultaneously to non-competing publications. No more sending a brief, then waiting around to see if your Media Contact #1 is interested before you send the brief to Media Contact #2.

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