Better Business Bureau logo lends credibility for publicity, Internet marketing

As soon as I joined the Better Business Bureau a few weeks ago, I started using the BBB logo at my website.

Why? Because it lets visitors know that:

  • I meet tough BBB membership standards
  • I agree to follow the highest principles of business ethics and voluntary self-regulation
  • I have a proven record of marketplace honesty and integrity

People who don’t know anything about me will be less hesitant to give me their credit card number if they know I’m a member of the very organization they can compain to if they don’t like something I’m doing. 

The BBB logo does something else. It adds to my credibility when journalists visit my website. If they’re thinking of writing about me, or hiring me as a freelancer, or using me as a source, or reprinting one of my articles, membership in the BBB might be the one little thing that makes them decide that I’m worth doing business with.

The other logos on the left side of my wbsite also show my membership in the National Speakers Association, the Internet Association of Information Marketers and the Publishers Marketing Association. That lends even more credibility to my brand. 

What affiliations and memberships can you advertise at your website that will heighten standing credibility with customers and journalists?  


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