200+ want JV partnerships for new social media product

hands raisedBy Joan Stewart

We knew that one of the biggest problems facing businesses was learning how to do social media. But we never realized HOW big until this week.

More than 200 people are interested in joint venture partnerships to promote our new product, “Social Media Rx: Your 20-Minute Prescription for Cutting Through the Clutter, Chatter and Confusion.” 

It’s a series of questions designed to tell people who want to use social media for business how much they do or don’t know about the basics. We also ask about their job status, career, family, pets, interests and hobbies. Our beta testers took an average of 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

A Customized Social Media Report  

Instead of getting a grade, which doesn’t do them much good, they get a 25-page customized report that includes the correct answers to all the questions, and dozens of tips and tools on how to get started with social media—all delivered within a few seconds after completeing the questionnaire. It also includes their own formula that serves as a guideline for exactly what to discuss at social media sites, and how often.      

Over the weekend, I emailed several thousand customers and other people whose names are in my shopping cart, asking if they were interested in hosting a teleseminar with Jeanne Hurlbert, my business partner, and me, within the next few weeks so we can answer their questions about social media and explain how our product can help them. Because our time is limited, I said, we want to be sure their audiences are a good fit.

We received 75 responses in the first four hours! As of this morning, we have 205 responses. Today, we’ll be choosing the first three JV partners, and we’ll be sorting through all the rest and determining which ones have audiences that are a good fit. 

We heard from trade associations, professional development groups, chambers of commerce, businesses large and small, nonprofits, government agencies, sole proprietors and even social media mentors, coaches and consultants.

The formal launch will be in late winter or early spring. This product is perfect for anyone who’s afraid to dip their toes into the social media waters, or for people who have been participating at social media sites but aren’t comfortable with what they’re doing or aren’t seeing a return on their investment. 

Interested in partnering?

If you’re interesting in partnering with us, we’d love to hear from you. But the line is already long. Complete our short survey that will take less than 60 seconds and tell us a little about your audience.

We’ll let you know if you’re one of the lucky JV partners who will earn a commission on all sales and have your audience thanking you for introducing them to us.

(Shutterstock image)

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  • The Publicity Hound’s Blog » Meet Jeanne Hurlbert, my new (and unlikely) business partner

    […] In a few weeks, we’ll introduce you to “Social Media Rx: Your 20-Minute Prescription for Cutting through the Clutter, Chatter and Con… […]

  • Pat Rybovich

    your posting sounds awesome & just the thing I need to get the word out on my soon to be launched book!

    The book is a uber-deluxe massive coffee table book about my father’s uber-deluxe boats; my passion du jour

    I hope this is something appealing; I would like to learn more–


  • Paul Holley

    Hi Joan:
    Your new venture w-Jeanne sounds very exciting. I look forward to learning more how the non-profit sector (I’m communication director for a public school district) can make better use of social media in connecting w-your audiences.

    All the best for 2010,