Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
Why PR people should take #infographics more seriously. [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
Why PR people should take #infographics more seriously. [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
I'm still playing around with free infographics tools and apps in preparation for my webinar tomorrow---Thursday, May 24---on How to Easily Create Free and Inexpensive Infographics.
You'd be amazed at the astonishing number of … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Now I know why PR firms and graphics artists charge a fortune for those big, detailed infographics you see everywhere, like these on Pinterest.
They're very difficult to plan, draw and … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
I've been researching a variety of free and inexpensive programs and apps that allow you make infographics you can use in a PR campaign, at your website, in marketing materials, to share on the social media sites, or just for fun.
You can learn them during the webinar on How to … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
When Becky Gomes of Pittsburgh attended the ArtiGras festival in Jupiter, Fla., several years ago, she saw colorful doodles, drawn by well-known celebrities, that were being auctioned off.
"That is just brilliant!" she thought. "Why don't I do that for Cystic Fibrosis?"
Becky is on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit and … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Are you as fascinated with infographics as I am?
They're everywhere these days, and you can't spend much time on Twitter, or surfing the web, without stumbling across one.
Create your own at, a start-up that allows anyone to quickly and easily create professional quality … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak calls Pinterest, the wildly popular social media tool, "digital crack for women."
She's addicted to it. So are millions of other women. (The guys are … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
This guest post was written by Julie Anne Herrin, a self-described social media and marketing junkie who ferrets out the latest and greatest in mobile, traditional and social media. She works in marketing and public relations for Zimbio and StyleBistro. … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
It's been around for two years. But in the last few months, interest in Pinterest, the social media site that lets you "pin" images onto a virtual corkboard, is off the charts.
Before you … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
At the winter farmer's market in my town, I ran into my local editor for, the uber-local website that's giving Publicity Hounds yet another outlet for their press releases, photos and local … [Read more...]
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