Joyce Restaino of Newfoundland, New Jersey writes: "I hope your Publicity Hounds can come up with some ideas to help generate publicity for a motivational tips booklet I have coauthored with a corporate trainer. We envision a spiral bound book with a good-quality cover. We should have more information about the number of pages in a few … [Read more...]
Book promotion tips from Raleigh Pinskey
Raleigh Pinskey, who knows more than anybody on how to promote yourself, is a master at using her own books to do just that. She was the guest presenter at yesterday's meeting of the Wisconsin chapter of the [Read more...]
How to promote a book for parents on how to use everyday objects that can double as toys
Publicity Hound Tim Martin of Corona, California writes: "I am working with Rex Bowlby, the author of the book "Why Would I Want the Toy, When I Can Have the Box?...101 Ways to Make the Most of Your Children, With the Least from Your Wallet." "It provides a treasure chest full of ideas on teaching and bonding with your kids using everyday items … [Read more...]
Selling books on ‘Oprah’ harder than it looks
Dan Janal of PRLeads says no authors came forward to prove they made at least $10,000 in book sales after one appearance on "Oprah." Thousands of authors read this … [Read more...]
Does a gig on ‘Oprah’ guarantee book sales?
Does an author's appearance on "Oprah" automatically guarantee fame and fortune? My good friend Dan Janal, president of PR Leads, a company that provides leads from working journalists, and a former journalist himself, is skeptical. Last week, he blogged [Read more...]
Press releases about new books should explain where readers can buy them
One of the biggest mistakes authors make is sending a press release about their new book to the media, but failing to mention where people can buy the book. I know this because I feature books in my subscription newsletter, The Publicity Hound. At least 7 out of 10 releases, even those … [Read more...]
Dan Poynter adds second ezine for authors
Publishing expert Dan Poynter, who every author should be watching and following closely, is starting a second ezine for authors. The current monthly ezine, titled Your Publishing Poynters, has 25,000 subscribers and is packed with information for authors and publishers. "Last November, we started a new section in Publishing … [Read more...]
How to promote a book for writers
C. Hope Clark of Phoenix, Arizona writes: "I am author of THE SHY WRITER: An Introvert's Guide to Writing Success. The thrust of the book is "Sell your words, not your soul" and it is designed for people who cringe at getting up in front of people. It helps them come up with alternatives to the public setting but it also helps them embrace it on … [Read more...]
Books wanted for book review website
Irene Watson is looking for books to review for her new book review website called Reader Views . "As a new author, I struggled to get reviews," she said. "Considering there are over 200,000 books published yearly, most books don’t get the proper review they should. I gathered a team of reviewers throughout U.S. and Canada interested in a … [Read more...]
How to promote a book about inexpensive toys that bring out your child’s creativity
Publicity Hound Tim Martin of Corona, California writes: "I am working with Rex Bowlby, the author of the book 'Why Would I Want the Toy, When I Can Have the Box?...101 Ways to Make the Most of Your Children, Children, with the Least from Your Wallet.' It provides a treasure chest full of ideas on teaching and bonding with your kids using everyday … [Read more...]