Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
10 blogging commandments for a successful year. [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
10 blogging commandments for a successful year. [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Let's start of the new year on the right foot and fill the hopper with about a dozen story ideas you can pitch to the media and bloggers this month. Use these when the idea well is … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If one of your New Year's resolutions is identical to mine---writing more blog posts every week---you probably had the same sinking feeling I had when I made that resolution yesterday: How in the world will I ever find the time to do … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
The quote is from Winston Churchill. But it could just as well have been from Jack Canfield.
He and co-author Mark Victor Hansen got 144 rejection letters from publishers who were … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Here are my top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeeting.
If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
Facebook: Are the good times really over for good?
[Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Don't get caught with the Publicist from Hell.
That's easy to do if you've interviewed several candidates in-depth, you've chosen your top candidate and want to get started, but you miss the critical step of checking references before you sign on the dotted line. Don't let yourself become so giddy with excitement over an exceptional … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
10 PR stars reveal secrets for social media success in 2012. [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
It's my annual gift to you: "The Best of The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week of 2012" ebook.
This year's book … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Bloggers, if you're looking for a fast, easy, meaty blog post that your target audience will love and share with others, use this holiday blogging tip---a perfect way to keep your blog fresh when you're taking time off.
Email 10 experts and ask them to answer a question about a problem your audience struggles with. PR expert Susan Joyce … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow me on Twitter.
8 reasons not to hire a PR firm. [Lots of disagreement in the Comments section.] [Read more...]
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