Phyllis May of Key West, FL, writes:
“March 1 is my day in Chase’s Calendar of Events. It’s ‘Refired not Retired Day’ and it’s also the title of my book. It’s a humoprous book that shows people how to make the most of life after retirement.
“Might your Publicity Hounds have suggestions for things I can suggest for people to do on March 1? Amazingly, because I have a Google Alert, there is a restaurant in Australia that has it on their calendar. I wrote and told them I thought I should be there but they didn’t respond. Darn.
“One time I saw an assisted living facility promoting it but I truly don’t know any BIG ideas. Can your creative readers help?”
Tap into social networks that consist of retired people. Search Facebook groups, (Twitter tribes) and Yahoo groups. Or form your own group.
Tell THOSE people about your day and have them offer suggestions on things they’d like to do–something that would be fun or help their communities. It could be something as simple as doing volunteer work on that day. Getting more people involved at the ground level will give you lots of ideas to choose from.
I agree with Joan – if you’re looking for a theme, remember that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.
If you can incorporate that idea, or anything else you like, it helps people identify with what you’re doing. Make it memorable and people will pay attention.
Here in Southern California we have over 30 senior business oriented networking groups. From Access to Seniors in the San Gabriel Valley, to SSNG (San Diego Senior Networking Group).
These are loosely run networking groups of Assisted Living, SNFs (Nursing Facilities), In Home Care and More.
With all the retirees and seniors living in FL, there should be several of those groups there as well. (Google senior networking clubs, selling to seniors groups, etc.)
Make a list, then sendthem a flyer or message asking them to add it to their events at the facility on the March 1 date.
Secondly, you should easily be able to find a list of Senior Centers.
Again, a note to the center Activity Directors might work, asking them what they plan to do to get the word out. If they don’t know about your event, tell them.
A faster way might be to get the addresses, send a postcard in a sunshiney color like goldenrod, and announce it on the card, with a message saying “what do you plan to do for Refire Not Retire Day?
While the people in Assisted Living are retired physically (maybe) they are sure not retired mentally. You can create a contest (or for next year) asking people how they intend to Refire themselves.
Just because the timelline is tight for March 1, does not mean this cannot extend to the entire month.
Best of luck,
Reece Franklin
Market Smarts Senior Marketing
What I have done with Spunky Old Broad Day is send out press
releases three times a week.
They have been picked up, and other people are promoting the day as well because of it. You need to get some “pithy” examples to put in your release. For example, I spoke to one of my subscribers and found out she is known as the “groovy grandma” and works as a clown and is 81. I used her in my last release which you can see at