The annoying reality on Faceboook is that only about 17 percent of your Facebook fans, if you're lucky, actually see your status updates in their feed.
Facebook wants you to pay, either by [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
The annoying reality on Faceboook is that only about 17 percent of your Facebook fans, if you're lucky, actually see your status updates in their feed.
Facebook wants you to pay, either by [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Why is it that some people have so much trouble generating interest in their Facebook pages? Yet other people, like Mari Smith, one of the world's foremost experts on Facebook, seem to have a big pot of glue that they slather onto their pages and capture whoever … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If I'm going to spend time on Facebook replying to messages, writing on walls, and reading invitations to events, I want to see the whites of people's eyes. And I want to know their names. I won't waste time responding to a company whose only form of … [Read more...]
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