Poor authors place their hopes, dreams, sweat, blood and money only into their books.
If the book fails, the author fails.
Rich authors use the book as a calling card to upsell readers to a wide variety of other products and services like: coaching programs, board games, wall calendars, membership programs, and more. That’s one of the key differences between rich authors and poor authors.
Learn the other six at a free 75-minute telephone seminar hosted by Steve Harrison of Radio-TV Interview Report, at 2 and 7 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Oct. 13. Even though the call is free, I promote it as a compensated affiliate because I’ve seen hundreds of authors miss this important distinction and tie up their life’s savings in cardboard boxes of books they can’t sell.
Register for the call, “How to Achieve A Lot More Success As An Author By Discovering The Seven Things Rich Authors Know That Poor Authors Don’t.”
This sounds like a great webinar, but i am tied up all afternoon and evening tomorrow. Any chance t will be posted for later listening?
This will not be recorded and the replay will not be made available. If you can’t make it, recruit somebody to listen and take notes for you,
…Brendon Burchard and Tim Ferriss are two other great examples of what rich authors do…
They emphasize learning how to MARKET your book.
Chase, I can’t believe how many authors worry about marketing and publicity AFTER the book is written, not before, and how many think the marketing process takes from 3 to 6 months after the book is published. Marketing actually starts long before the book is completed (build world-of-mouth publicity) and continues for as long as the author wants to continue to sell the book.
Hello Joan,
Just Tweeted your: ‘What rich authors know that poor authors don’t’
10/11/2011 … Am writing a short mention of you for my Blog at WordPress.
Thanks, Charlotte. There will be great tips shared in this teleseminar tomorrow.
Hope to get my followers to Retweet. Like to listen. Thanks, Joan.