If you're curious about whether email pitches are effective, you'll want to know about the interesting discussion under way in the PRWise group on LinkedIn.
"Given journalists' overcrowded inboxes, … [Read more...]
Tips, Tricks & Tools for Free Publicity
by Joan Stewart
If you're curious about whether email pitches are effective, you'll want to know about the interesting discussion under way in the PRWise group on LinkedIn.
"Given journalists' overcrowded inboxes, … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
When you go to LinkedIn to check out someone's profile, do you scroll down the page and check to see how many recommendations they have? I usually do.
That's a pretty good barometer of the quality of … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
By Joan Stewart
If you're on LinkedIn, you're passing up the chance to create "Google juice" if you aren't paying attention to the way you link to your website, blog and social media sites from your LinkedIn profile page.
You can display up to three website links on your Profile. Website titles can and should be customized with … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If you're trying to generate recommendations for your LinkedIn profile, you'll eventually extend an invitation to someone who would be happy to endorse you, but isn't on LinkedIn and doesn't want to bother creating an … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
When Scott Allen was my guest during the teleseminar "How to Use LinkedIn to Promote … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
by Joan Stewart
By Joan Stewart
Here's a perfect example of how to build a strong relationship with one of your connections on LinkedIn.
Follow it to the letter, and you'll have a strong connection with somebody who can help you, and with whom you can help.
Two weeks ago, when I reviewed my LinkedIn messages, I saw this one from Abhishek … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
When a business associate told me last week that she couldn't understand why LinkedIn froze her account, especially because she invited only a few dozen people to connect within several months, I had a pretty good idea how that happened.
Three out of four of the people who invite me to connect with them on LinkedIn make the same mistake … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
If you've just started networking on LinkedIn, the site can be a little intimidating.
And you might be stumped about how to create an effective strategy on a site that's so big.
The best place to start is with … [Read more...]
by Joan Stewart
Stop spending precious time creating original content for all your social media sites.
Here's a valuable shortcut---a quick way to use expertise you've already shared with somebody, and turn it into a video.
Several months ago, on LinkedIn, I answered a question about all the ways an author could use Twitter to … [Read more...]
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