Update on Feb. 28, 2015
Watch the webinar replay of 7 Fast, Easy Ways to Pull Traffic to Your Author Blog here before 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 2. After that, we take it down and our killer offer for a product that will make blogging fast and easy disappears too:
When it’s time to write a post for your author blog, how many times do you find yourself thinking about something interesting or funny that happened in your personal life?
It might be the litter of adorable puppies that you took in last night from the local animal shelter.
Or the certificate you just received for finishing the American Red Cross course in First Aid/CPR.
Or a something painful you survived, like hip replacement surgery.
And how many times have you asked yourself, “Why would my readers care about THAT?”
You’d be surprised.
Readers LOVE Knowing More About You
When I write about something personal, like how I finally found a treatment for my voice disorder, or how I know all the words to Talent Roundup Day from the “Mickey Mouse Club” TV show in the 1950s, or the childhood photo of my sisters and me that I gave them this past Christmas, my readers respond!
They comment. They share the post on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. They email me with long stories about their own fears, discoveries and funny things that happened to them.
If you’re an author, how about sharing what sparks your creativity? For me, it’s a sink of dirty dish water. I wrote about it here and readers loved it!
Free Training Thursday, Feb. 26
That’s one of seven types of blog posts readers love. Joel Friedlander—a good friend, fellow author and prolific blogger—is hosting a webinar with me from 4 to 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Feb. 26, on 7 Fast, Easy Ways to Pull Readers to Your Author Blog.
In addition to the blog post on creativity, we’ll discuss six other types of posts readers love. We’ll also share dozens of helpful tips that will save you time and money blogging.
For example, we’ll give you two websites where you can subscribe to receive free stock photos every week. You can use them for your blog or other marketing materials. Register here for the free training.
Who Should Attend
This is perfect for beginning or veteran bloggers, regardless of whether you write fiction or nonfiction.
Not an author? You’re invited too! We wouldn’t want you to miss out on the fun.
Hi Joan, I missed the seminar today…working The Day Job, but SO glad I found you here. The miracle of Google search
I will be exploring thoroughly.
Susan, I rank really well on Google for my major keywords. So glad you found me!
So glad you found us, Susan! Enjoy the webvinar.