Here’s a great example of how to generate publicity from an embarrassing mistake.
When the editors of Texas Dogs & Cats magazine discovered a typo in a paid ad in the April issue, they invited readers to find the typo. Everyone who emails the editor with the correct answer gets a coupon for $5 off an order of $10 or more.
Deadline for entries is April 30.
It reminds me of a story I heard several years ago about an author who discovered a missing line from her book after it had been published. She invited writers to write their own line to replace the one that was missing, and awarded a prize to the winner.
Does anyone know who the author was? What about embarrassing mistakes in your own work? Have you turned it into a contest? If so, tell us how.
This is a fabulous idea to drive readers to actually read advertisements! If someone does surveys on whether readers remember seeing or reading advertisements, I bet the rates would be through the roof! I love it!