Good news for newspaper readers

Newspapers have tried a variety of tactics over the last 20 years to reverse those sliding circulation figures. They’re writing shorter stories, using more color and graphics, and placing a greater emphasis on local news. But few of those tricks seem to be doing much good.

The News & Record, a daily newspaper in Greensboro, North Carolina, is creating a buzz in journalism circles for proposed changes it wants to make to reverse the slide. They include ways for readers to discuss issues online, more interaction between readers and reporters, and in a dramatic break from a newspaper’s gatekeeper role, even opportunities for readers to submit stories of their own for Web publication.

For the time being, however, most of you will have to be content with your local newspaper’s printed or online version. Getting into print is easy if you know the right tricks. I discussed them with George McKenzie when he interviewed me a few years ago for a CD we produced called “Get Free Publicity in Print.” It’s my favorite interview, and I share all kinds of behind-the-scenes tips on what Publicity Hounds should do to get into the good graces of newspaper and magazine editors and reporters. Read more about what you’ll learn.

Media Relations