Love to Sail, Write and Edit? Here’s the Perfect Job

Sailing Magazine needs an editorIf I didn’t love being The Publicity Hound, and knew even a little about sailing, I’d apply for the job of assistant editor of Sailing magazine.

With my background, I’d probably be in the running. And if they hired me, I could walk to work.

I seldom write about job openings here, but I couldn’t resist this one. That’s because Sailing is published in the quaint harbor town where I live in Port Washington, Wisconsin, population 10,000. Lots of friendly people, gorgeous views of Lake Michigan, a vibrant downtown with cute shops the tourists and locals love, and down-home Midwestern charm. 

I don’t even have to brag about where I live. My friends and relatives, who love to visit, do it for me.

Interested? Here’s the classified ad in the current issue of The Ozaukee Press, my weekly paper:

Magazine Editor

SAILING Magazine, the oldest sailing magazine in the country, is seeking an assistant editor to work in its Port Washington, Wisconsin headquarters. The assistant editor will work with other staff editors to produce this national magazine about the sport of sailing. 

Job duties include managing and coordinating magazine departments, working with freelance writers, editing editorial copy, writing and producing stories and more. candidates should have a bachelor’s degree (preferably in journalism or English), some knowledge of sailing, editing experience, knowledge of AP style and good computer skills (preferably with Mac computers’ Adobe CS experience a plus). They should also be self starters who are willing to learn on the job and work with staff located in and out of the office.

This job could be full- or part-time depending on the applicant. Please send a cover letter, resume and writing samples to

The editor behind the email address is Erin L. Schanen, who was recently named vice president of Port Publications by the board of directors. So if you’re applying, you might congratulate her on her new title. You can learn more about her from her LinkedIn profile. (Note: She likes sailing, paddleboarding and gardening.)

You can learn more about Port Washington here, here and on its Facebook Page.

If you apply for the job and you’re in town for an interview, let me know. Maybe we can even meet for coffee at The Java Dock a few doors away.

Questions about Port? Ask and I’ll try to help.

Job OpeningSailingWriting Articles
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