How to Identify Story Ideas Within Your Company or Organization


Special Report #5

If your attempts at media coverage have fallen flat, take a proactive approach by identifying interesting, compelling topics the media want to cover. Choose from a long list of ideas in this report.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #5

How to Identify Story Ideas Within Your Company or Organization

If your attempts at media coverage have fallen flat, take a proactive approach by identifying interesting, compelling topics the media want to cover. Choose from a long list of ideas in this report.

  • The importance of the local angle 
  • How to piggyback onto news events, trends and holidays 
  • The value of how-to articles 
  • 2 hot-button topics the media love…these are great PR strategies 
  • The value of taking polls and surveys 
  • How to publicize your altruism 
  • Creative tips for promoting routine events
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