The Do’s and Don’ts of Offering Food to the Media


Special Report #43

Whether you’re taking a reporter to lunch at the local coffee shop, or inviting bloggers to an elaborate press conference, feeding the media can be fraught with ethical problems. This common-sense guide explains the rules and makes everyone feel comfortable.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #43

The Do’s and Don’ts of Offering Food to the Media

Whether you’re taking a reporter to lunch at the local coffee shop, or inviting bloggers to an elaborate press conference, feeding the media can be fraught with ethical problems. This common-sense guide explains the rules and makes everyone feel comfortable.

  • Why you can treat print and broadcast reporters differently
  • What to do if you’re taking a reporter to lunch and who picks up the check
  • Tips for food and drink at press conferences
  • How to host a creative media lunch
  • Rules regulating gifts of food, especially during the holidays and 2 good alternatives to food
  • Why you MUST beware of alcohol…remember that loose lips sink ships!
  • Tips for travel trips
  • Ideas for creative media events even if the topic is boring
  • What to do if you’re inviting a reporter to tour your company
  • How to respond if you get a lousy restaurant review
  • Guidelines for setting up “fam tours”
  • How to work with and contact bloggers
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