Briefs, Fillers and Quizzes: The Shortest, Easiest Articles You’ll Ever Write


Special Report #30

Pick up any national magazine from the newsstand, flip through the pages, and count the number of short articles you see. Editors love them. Learn seven reasons why fillers are so valuable to your publicity effort.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #30

Briefs, Fillers and Quizzes: The Shortest, Easiest Articles You’ll Ever Write

Pick up any national magazine from the newsstand, flip through the pages, and count the number of short articles you see. Editors love them. Learn seven reasons why fillers are so valuable to your publicity effort.

  • Why editors love these items and why you should be writing them
  • The advantages of writing fillers
  • The basic format
  • How you can use these fillers to promote, promote, promote
  • How to recycle your articles for other publications
  • The advantages of offering them for free–a valuable PR tactic
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