Questions You Can Expect Reporters to Ask During an Interview


Special Report #2

Media interviews are a complicated game between you and reporters. Level the playing field by knowing the types of questions reporters typically ask and understanding which are innocent questions and which are designed to trick you.

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The Publicity Hound’s Special Report #2

Questions You Can Expect Reporters to Ask During an Interview

Media interviews are a complicated game between you and reporters. Level the playing field by knowing the types of questions reporters typically ask and understanding which are innocent questions and which are designed to trick you.

You will learn: 

  • The basics of an interview 
  • Questions to expect in almost every interview 
  • How reporters try to loosen your lips 
  • The most common trick questions 
  • Innocent questions that sound like trick questions 
  • How to deal with skeletons from your past 
  • Why you must be prepared for photo requests 
  • How to answer the “what if” question
Print MediaPublic RelationsPublicitySpecial ReportsTV & Radio