17 Ways to Use a Tips List to Make It More Powerful Than Ever


This is a replay of a webinar presented by Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound
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Tips lists—those short lists that explain quickly how people can solve a pressing problem—should be a staple in your publicity toolbox because it’s so darn easy for the media to use them. Not only that, but content is king online, and tips lists, also known as tip sheets, are a quick and effective way catch people’s attention.

But don’t just write a simple tips list and be done with it. I’ll show you how to use it in multiple ways to wow journalists, give your social media followers great content to share, and create the list in several multi-media formats. Each tips list doubles as a traffic magnet because it includes a link back to your website.

Who Needs This:

–Anyone who self-promotes, even if you can’t write well
–Authors, speakers and experts
–PR pros and publicists
–Anyone who needs quick, easy content for sharing on social media

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You will learn:

  • How to write a simple tip sheet from scratch, without wasting valuable time on research
  • The absolutely irresistible component of the headline…include this if possible
  • Other elements your headline should include
  • How to write your tips so they position you as an expert in your field
  • 6 important things to include in your perfect author resource box (this is the reason you’re creating the list!)
  • The easiest, cheapest way to turn your tips into a video without complicated screen capture programs or video recorders (The Wall Street Journal loved this idea!)
  • How to use these tips as the basis for a Pinterest board that your followers can keep adding to…you upload them to your board just once and you’re done!
  • How to turn the tip sheet staple into another publicity staple that can also pull traffic
  • Where to post this tip sheet as a PDF so others can’t wait to share it
  • Why you don’t have to worry about pitching your tips lists to the media–and how to submit them for maximum coverage
  • How to tie your tips list to a bigger story you’re pitching, and the very best time to offer it to journalists
  • Ideas for tips lists when you have absolutely no news to share!
  • What to call your tips lists so people can hardly wait to access them! (Hint: It’s not a “tip sheet” or “a tips list”.)

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Bonus Package:

  1. The WMV video replay so you can watch the webinar when it’s most convenient for you.
  2. The MP3 audio.
  3. The PowerPoint slides I used for the video–convenient if you want to refer back to the training but you don’t have time to watch the video again.
  4. Examples of 3 three tips lists you can use as a template.
  5. A Cheat Sheet that includes the 5 critical elements of your tips list so you don’t have to guess.
  6. A Cheat Sheet listing the 6 important parts of your author resource box.
  7. A Cheat Sheet that includes 7 helpful things you need to remember  when sending the lists to media outlets so you don’t make a major mistake.
  8. A terrific resource that will help you write the optional opening paragraph of your tips list.

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Author ToolsContent CreationOnline MarketingPrint MediaPublicitySocial MediaTV & Radio