How to Find Your Way into Glossy Magazines


Format: This is a video recording of a live webinar. You can watch the video, complete with handouts and PowerPoint slides, when it’s most convenient for you.

Your Presenter:
Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound

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Gone are the days when you could grab a journalist’s name and email address from one of those big media directories, send a customized pitch and get a reply–and a request for an interview. Today, the same types of layoffs that have hit the newspaper industry have spread to magazine publishers, too. Staff members are more overworked than ever, and far fewer editors are reading far more pitches.
But here’s the good news. These journalists are leaving clues, online and off, about exactly what they need. And if you know where to look, you’ll have a leg up on all the other people who are pitching. This webinar will teach time-saving tips for generating thousands of dollars in free publicity in the glossies–even if you’re on a tight budget.

You Will Learn:

  • The single most important thing you must do if you want publicity in a glossy magazine, large or small.  
  • The first place to look in a magazine to know if your story is a good fit. 
  • Where to find more in-depth information about how to pitch certain magazines than you’ll ever find in the big media directories
  • A new trend in pitching that’s driving magazine editors crazy (don’t do this or you’ll brand yourself as dorky).  
  • 2 very affordable resources for contact information and pitching tips for the glossies because you don’t want to buy those fat media directories. 
  • What to do if you see a story written by a certain reporter and you want that reporter to write about you, too. 
  • An often-overlooked place where magazine editors are telling you what issues they think are important.  
  • Where to find personal tidbits about the editors’ lives that you might be able to weave into your pitch. 
  • Where to find the roadmap that explains what the magazine is covering, and when. 
  • The one thing editors say they wish more PR people would send to them. 
  • One type of magazine that’s very easy to forget about and easy to get into. 
  • 3 ways to catch their attention for your new product. 
  • What all journalists crave, besides a good story. An expert did this and got a profile story in the Wall Street Journal.  
  • Where to find dozens of people who can pitch your story ideas for you without paying one cent to a PR person or publicist. 
  • How to connect with magazine journalists on LinkedIn.  
  • 3 things to tell journalists after the interview.

Rave Reviews for Joan’s
 Other Training Tools on Pitching

Within 15 minutes, I had two confirmations from reporters

“Right after I took your workshop, I used your technique pitching a new website designed by my client. Within 15 minutes, I had two confirmations from reporters that they would be running the story, and interest from a radio show that I’ve tried to get my client on for a year.

“Your workshop has empowered me to be more straight-forward and peppy in my pitches. I also feel confident to pick up the phone and call with the tips you shared. Thanks so much. Your workshop was a shot in the arm!”

Mary Castillo

Author of Hot Tamara & In Between Men
Orange County, CA


It helped to get me on track!

  “I took your pitching webinar last week and wanted to say thanks! 
   You  confirmed my suspicions about how I ‘should’ be doing things and 
   got me on track.”

Elena Meredith
Publicist, Free Spirit Publishing
Minneapolis, MN

A page 1 story in the Wall Street Journal

“I scored a huge publicity hit—a Page 1 story in The Wall Street Journal on Jan. 31, 2008—all because I followed the step-by-step directions in Special Report #7. I was able to craft a compelling pitch letter that had a reporter calling me asking for an exclusive. I would never have been able to do that before I read your special report.”

 Julie Languille

Dinners In A Flash

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 Who Can Benefit: 

  • PR pros and publicists who pitch their clients to glossy magazines. 
  • Do-it-yourself Publicity Hounds who cannot afford publicists. 
  • Authors who need publicity for themselves and their books.  
  • Anyone who needs magazine publicity for an upcoming event. 
  • Virtual assistants who do PR work for their clients. 
  • Nonprofits that need magazine publicity to recruit volunteers, raise more money, and promote a cause or issue.

 You Will Also Get:

  1. Joan’s handy checklist on “11 Ways to Prepare for a Magazine Interview”  
  2. A link to the MP4 video replay 
  3. The PowerPoint slides Joan used for the video (use these as notes so you don’t have to watch the video again) 
  4. The MP3 so you can listen on your iPod.

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