Triple A’s magazine reviews travel, food books & more

Cinnamon Mornings and Savory Nights book coverWhile doing research for my webinar on Tuesday on “50+ Places Online to Promote Your Live & Virtual Events to Reach Your Target Market & Pull Sell-out Crowds,” I discovered that Home & Away, the magazine published for members of the American Automobile Association, reviews a wide variety of books, including some that you wouldn’t immediately associate with a travel magazine. (To get onto the site or click on any of the links here, you’ll have to enter a zip code within the shaded red areas on the map you see.)

A reviewer loved Cinnamon Mornings & Savory Nights, a compilation of lucious recipes  from bed-and-breakfasts throughout the United States. I also found reviews for books about bird watching, Seattle’s famous Pike Place Market, historic photos of Paris, lodges in the National Parks, and the Slow Food Movement.

Even though these reviews focus heavily on food-related books and books about specific journeys or destinations, by all means contact one of the editors and ask if they’re interested in reviewing your book if it would appeal to travelers, or armchair travelers.

Note: Many authors automatically send books with accompanying press releases to journalists and bloggers, without as much as a phone call to see if they’re interested. I know, because I get dozens of books a year I don’t care about.  Call first, email, or send a stamped, self-addressed postcard they can mail back to you if they want a hard copy of your book.

As for events, the magazine includes a listing of events in its regional editions so this could be a good resource for you if your event appeals to travelers or even those who are looking for fun things to do that are close to home.   Read the editorial guidelines and guidelines for photographs.

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